
This past year has provided new opportunities and solutions for supporting laser manufacturers and users meet and fulfill their regulatory Compliance, Safety, Training and Consulting projects.

Videoconferencing using WebEx, GoToMeeting, Office 365 and other platforms, have successfully provided forums for meeting customer goals without the need to be onsite and/or in person.

LASEResources has continued to support our US and International customers in real-time using the crystal-clear video and audio format of videoconferencing. The most useful feature of videoconference forums is the screen-sharing function.

From one-hour meetings, to virtual laser safety officer, or all-day laser safety training programs involving a large number of attendees, videoconferencing allows laser manufacturers and users to review their projects, and for LASEResources to continue to support customers around the world.

For projects that require onsite and/or in person support, LASEResources certified laser safety officers (CLSOs) are always available to meet with you.

Please feel free to contact LASEResources for questions or support of your laser Compliance, Safety, Training and Consulting projects.